Saturday, February 7, 2015

Monks and Monkeys at Angkor Wat

After sunrise, we started our day in the gardens of a Buddhist temple with a picnic breakfast packed by the hotel, complete with thermoses of coffee and tea. We stopped at the temple for prayers and a blessing.

As we walked into the Angkor Wat temple complex, we saw monkeys busy at their morning activities....

Angkor Wat is the largest man made religious structure in the world.  It the time it was build, Angkor was the largest city in the world, with an estimated population of 1 million people.

The steps to the temple rise at an 80 degree angle!

Carvings of thousands of Aspara dancers line the corridors

Our guide explains the meaning of the carvings of battle scenes.  He later told us his very moving story of living as a 10 year old through the Pol Pot regime.

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