Thursday, February 12, 2015

Final Impressions of India

[Sunday, February 8]

The Sunday morning scene on the way to the airport was a little quieter – people walking, stopping at the market, many water buffalo, some monkeys and a group of chickens.  Not quite the crazy scene of the last few days. 

Our private jet flew into and awaited at the local military airport.  The security at the military airport was easier, but slower, as they checked everything by hand.  A man in the waiting area was insistant that I check out the “airport shop” – “it’s the last shop in India, mum!”  I bought a deck of cards with pictures from the Taj Mahal.

Tuk-tuk school bus for the boys in private school

Celebrating a family wedding

Henna tattoing

Brothers visiting the Red Fort
Street Vendors

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Our flight crew and pilots were all dressed in Indian costume – they had them made yesterday.  They all looked fantastic.  They served us delicious tea and so-so pastries this morning to get us going.

Pilot Paul and Head Flight Attendant Julie

Pilot John

Flight attendant Matt

Flight attendant Suzie

Flight attendant Mel

 Flight attendant Stuart and Michael

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