Sunday, February 8, 2015

Visiting the Giant Pandas - and their cute cousins, the Red Pandas

[Tuesday, February 3 ]

Travel to China, Chengdu – Panda Research Center

The Chengdu Panda Research Center was established in 1983.  The rapid decline in the number of pandas is directly related to human encroachment on their habitat, as they almost exclusively eat bamboo and the banboo habitat is dying. 

They started with 6 pandas, and now have more than 100. In the whole world, There are less than 2000 pandas left:  1600 in the wild and about 300 in captivity.  80% are here in Sichuan province.  

Cassie said the research center has 2 goals:  first to breed more pandas, and second, to release them into the wild.  They haven't accomplished the second goal yet

Bamboo habitat

Red Panda - about the size of a fox


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