Saturday, February 14, 2015

Hello Camels and Other Fun Things

[Wednesday, February 11]

While at Petra, we stopped for a buffet lunch at the Basin Restaurant.  After lunch, Mike decided to walk up to the Monastery and I chose to walk back with Mary P – a return  of about 3 miles.

Along the way, we were offered many camel and donkey rides – for a price.  One guy was very persistent and Mary finally said we’d ride for half price (2 for $10 dinar).  He agreed and we had a camel ride most of the way to the Treasury.  

We left the Treasury and started the walk back into the Siq.  One of the local National Geographic guides, riding in a horse carriage, passed us and stopped to talk.  He indicated that the horse carriage rides were already arranged to take us back up the Siq and to the hotel.  He said he would send a driver back for us – and so he did.  Mary and I rode back to the starting point of Petra with “Lawrence of Arabia”, as indeed, that’s what our driver insisted his name was.  He also serenaded us with tunes from his iPhone while he let me drive of the two horses pulling the carriage.

Clearly, it's been a long day and it's only noon.

Mary and Susan opt for a camel ride - for a discount.

Horse carriage ride in the Siq

In the evening, we had a Bedouin feast at Beit Zaman.  The food was delicious – hot and cold appetizers, whole roasted lam and chicken.  We were also treated to a Bedouin dance - most intriguing was the use of the Scottish bagpipe as a key instrument in the performance.

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