Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tibet: Palace of the Dalai Lama

[Thursday, February 5]

Potala Palace and Poralepu Monastery

We started today “later” than usual.  Sunrise isn’t until 8:30 AM here.  It was explained that all of China is on one time zone – so the western provinces have to adjust accordingly. 

Mike took an excursion to visit the interior of the Potala Palace.  I chose to visit the Poralepu Monastery and be satified with external photos of the Palace.

Along the way, we saw hundreds of people circling the Potala Palace clockwise in pilgrimage, using their prayer wheels in the right hand and their prayer beads (108) in the left.

We also saw a number of inscribed offerings on slate along the walk up to the monastery.  At the rooftop of the monastery, we had some great views of the palace.   

The Potala Palace is where the Dalai Lama lived, starting with the 5th one until the present Dalai Lama was exhiled in the 1950's. It also is the resting place for the bodies for the previous Dalai Lamas.  It is now run like a museum by the Chinese government.  You are not allowed to see most of it, no photos, timed visits, etc.  The Chinese government has offered to let the current Dalai Lama return to China/Tibet under certain conditions - including that he must publically accept the legitimacy of Chinese claims on Tibet's territory and must live in Beijing.  People in Tibet worry that when the current Dalai Lama dies, the Chinese government will "select" the next Dalai Lama.

Early morning moonset over Lhasa
Potala Palace - former home of the Dalai Lama

Prayer offereing on slate tiles near the monastery

Slate tile prayer offerings

This man inscribes the prayer offering on the slate; you can purchase one to make the offering

Poralepu Monastery

Well in monastery courtyard

Prayer wheel drums

Pilgrim with prayer wheel walking around the Monastery

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