Monday, March 12, 2018

And it's a wrap - heading home from our NG Tour of Asia

Reflecting on this amazing expedition and working on posting photos for the travel blog

Monday, March 05                                           Dubai to Chicago, via Istanbul

We departed Udaipur, India on Sunday at around 5:30 PM, after our creative "street fair" luncheon and last tour of the City Palace.  Our last flight was a little longer than expected – more than 3 hours, because of heavy headwinds.  We  had a glass of champagne and some canapés and listened to farewell reflections from Jack Daulton and Carroll Dunham. We received our final instructions from our expedition leader, Eszter Foldvary.  We spent some time saying goodbye to everyone on the plane, and then had a final glass of champagne and toast with our flight crew and staff.

The setting sun reflecting off the engine as we head west from India to Dubai

Departing canapés and champagne

Last instructions from our expedition leader, Eszter

We arrived in the evening in Dubai, around 8:30 and cleared customs at the new Emerati airport - so efficient, clean and almost empty of activity, except for the overhead call to evening prayer on the airport's audio system.

We boarded various buses at the terminal - some departing directly for the airport and the rest of us for the 40 minute ride to our new hotel location - the Jumeirah Creek Hotel.  Many were departing on later flights in the evening and NG had arranged a hospitality lounge with food and wine and other drinks.  Some of us were departing in the morning, so we went to the lounge to pick up our room keys and our passports.  Mike and I headed over to our room, repacked a bit and set our alarms to make the 6 AM transport car to the airport for our 8:30 AM departure on Turkish Airlines.

Dubai airport - last time through customs as a tour group together

Nat Geo's hospitality suite at the Jumeirah Creek Hotel in Dubai, as we all began our final paths to get home

NG had arranged for our morning ride.  We left the hotel at 6AM, at the airport the sun was just  rising.  We checked in for our Turkish Airlines flight, and then to the airport lounge.  We were flying through Istanbul again.

View of one of Dubai's modern and attractive metro stations at the entry to the airport

In addition to our original 4 suitcases, we now had two large duffle bags for hand luggage,
courtesy of National Geographic

The sunrise highlights that even the air traffic control tower in Dubai is creatively futuristic in design

Just Wow - the contrast between this airport and those we'd just traveled through in SE Asia was a bit jarring

Such an interesting sign - a place to toss your unwanted suitcases or small bags and items??

Reclaiming our usual seats on Turkish Airlines - 3A & 3B

Settling in and ready for the next 20 hours of travel

Our route on this leg: four and a half hours, over Persian (or Arabian Sea) Gulf, Iraq and the length of Turkey

Departing Dubai - Out of the dessert - in less than 50 years

So fascinating to see these human creations - and the stark desert beyond

Stunning view of the Burj al Arab and the beautiful blue Arabian Sea

A last look at the Jumeriah Palm Island - and it's developing twin to the east

I love seeing the globe from above - so many fascinating things to look at.  After departing the UAE, we flew over Qatar and Bahrain, Kuwait, large cities in Iraq and snow on the mountains in Turkey.  We landed in Istanbul around 12:30 and enjoyed our time in the airline lounge until our TA Flight 005 departed at 3 PM.  Our flight from Istanbul to Chicago would take 10 hours, and we'd be served 2 more meals. I worked on photos the whole time - so fun to see all the countries anew.  Mike slept about 3 hours.

We flew over Arad and Timos, Romania (and Hungary), where Sally and I will  visit sometime soon.  Most of the rest of Europe was under cloud cover, but we were able to see the whole southern coast of Iceland (reminding me our our great trip in 2016 with Elizabeth, Matt and Charlie.)  We had great views of Greenland's coast and glaciers, and on to Goose Bay Canada and the Canadian tundra.  We crossed Lake Huron up near Georgian Bay - traversed Michigan, but not near Traverse City - and across Lake Michigan to arrive in Chicago by just past 5:30 PM.  Luggage and customs were quick, and the cab ride home was smooth.  We returned to the (welcome) cold of the midwest and to our cozy downtown apartment by 7 PM.

 I'm looking forward to sharing our stories, experiences, reflections and photos with everyone and hearing about family and friends impressions of our travels.  Can't wait to do it all again!!

Flying over Iceland - glaciers and volcanos, what a combination

Southern Coastline of Iceland

One of Greenland's beautiful, fragile glaciers

Still Greenland - these blue petals peeling off the terminal ice field of the glacier                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

The stuff of dreams: waiting excitedly for our next trip on the horizon

Where the Maharanas live - the City Palace of Udaipur

Elephant mural and two cool dudes inside the Udaipur City Palace

Sunday,  March  04                                                                                  Udaipur

After lunch this afternoon  we boarded our buses and took our last tour – of the City Palace of the Maharanas of Udaipur.  The Mewar dynasty, established in the 1500s are the only ones called Maharana, and NOT Maharajah.  According to our guide, this is because they never submitted to the Mogul rule and remained independent.  The current king lives in the palace and has a positive and favorable reputation across the community.  The palace is now divided into living quarters for the royal family, a museum, which we  toured, and administrative offices for the district.  The king also has an extensive antique car collection. We only had about 45 minutes to tour, so we saw the most beautiful (according to our guide) and central part of the palace museum – the Peacock Court, which is where the Maharana received supplicants and royal guests. This really is only a small part of the beauty that is part of the palace complex.  

Royal residence - the City Palace of Udaipur

Families touring the public section of the palace

Open balconies in the men's residence, closed and pierced marble for the women's areas

The entrance to the section of the palace that serves as the royal family apartments

The peacock courtyard - for audiences with the king - with exquisite glass peacock mosaics

The Mor Chowk, or peacock courtyard, is the area we toured, a part of the inner courts of the palace.  It contains three most beautiful peacocks (for the summer, winter and monsoon seasons) made of 5000 pieces of glass mosaic.  This area was created 200 years after the palace was first established.  At the upper level, the projecting balcony was used by the King to provide audiences, with private chambers behind.  To access this area, we walked through the corridors of the women's quarters - much of it carefully hidden from external eyes.

The balcony location for the Maharana to meet with the public petitioners
The Mewar family dynasty is associated with this sun face emblem

Our guide explaining the genealogy of the Mewar dynasty

The Suryavanshi - Sun God Emblem of the Mewar Dynasty - over one of the Pols (gates) to the palace

A group of women at the palace

A local guide, waiting for clients

Last vista of Lake Pichola as we return to our buses and off to the airport

Farewell lunch - a street fair in India for the NGTOA group

Astrologer offering advice

Sunday,  March  04                                                     Udaipar to Dubai, UAE

Our final day on the National Geographic Tour of Asia.  How quickly it has passed.  We had a nice, low key morning, with nothing scheduled until 10:30, when our luggage would be collected.  We went down to the restaurant for breakfast and Joel and Joan joined us.  After breakfast we heard a talk by Carol Browder on future National Geographic trips.  Jay Dickman showed his 20 minute slide show of the trip, which was really enjoyable.  I’m looking forward to receiving the download for the trip video and he also said that Nat Geo will be sending us a photo book of the trip.
Setting at the lake for our final luncheon of the NGTOA
Individual food stations were set up at lakeside to provide short order "street food" for lunch

We proceeded to the front lawn of the hotel, on the lake, to have an outdoor lunch which was really clever.  They served all the “ street food” from Udaipur, in an appealing and educational (and healthy) fashion.  I tried at least 8 different things – love the flavors and the taste combinations. 

Mixing up Bhel Puri for me - you can  add ingredients to get the taste you enjoy
Henna painting
In addition to all the food stations, there was also a mini "street fair".  We could participate in astrology fore casting, henna painting and clay pot throwing, and buy modest items like bracelets from a vendor.  I made a vase, which I am taking home. My first time throwing at pot, and it turned out very nicely.  The whole event was a lovely way to conclude our time at the  Oberoi hotel and our quick visit to Rajasthan. 

Shades of Nancy Reagan - forecasting the future with an astrologist
Maureen's interesting tower eventually became a fluted bowl
Learning how to draw the vessel higher into the neck of a vase
Wow - I'm surprised at how nice it turned out
Swirling batter into oil to make jalebi 
Pretty jalebi all golden brown and coated with syrup for dessert - they remind me of mini funnel cakes!
Relaxing on the hotel grounds after lunch

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Relaxing afternoon and Bollywood Gala

All dressed up for our Bollywood Gala - dance lessons included!

Saturday,  March 03                                                                                    Udaipur

After our cooking demonstration and lunch, we boarded our buses and headed back to the Oberoi hotel.  We had lots of activities options: going shopping,  taking a tour of a crystal collection at the Palace, or a walking tour through the old city.  However, the afternoon was hot, and the pool was tempting.  I joined Mike out on our porch and we decided to spend our last full day in India - indeed - the last full day of our NGTOA - relaxing, listening to the birds and enjoying our reflections of this amazing trip.

The winds were brisk - raining down pink bougainvillea blossoms all over us and into the blue, blue pool

Spending the whole afternoon here at our most lovely little refuge

Michael, still wearing his ID card, in case I forget who I belong with :-)
The shrubs and bushes are home to hundreds of birds - singing brightly this afternoon

 Lake Pichola and a floating palace hotel - nice views from our lounge chairs

A visit from one of the local peacocks

Later, we dressed for our final evening event for the tour - a Bollywood gala with an al fresco dinner.  We were provided with Indian themed outfits - tunics and white pants.  When we arrived at the courtyard, women were given scarves and turbans provided for the men.
On our way to the party - in front of a beautifully painted mural of the Rajasthan countryside

Our fellow travelers look so festive!

Friends Maureen and Jeff, looking fabulous, don't you think?!

Dinner was superb - I had to show this dessert - jalebi topped with silver foil.  Seems appropriate to have started the trip drinking gold and ending it eating silver - how rich!

Beautiful full moon for our last dinner together