Thursday, March 1, 2018

A boat trip on the Mekong River and a Community Blessing

Boat trip on the Mekong River

Sunday, February 25                                                               Luang PraBang, Laos

After lunch we headed out to take a boat trip on the Mekong River to PhaTad Ke Botanical Gardens.  We climbed down about 100 stairs, as the river is lower now, and boarded an interesting older wooden boat for a 20 minute cruise.

The river is interesting, as it frequently overflows and floods.  Lots of vegetables were growing on both sides of river – now, it’s tomatoes, beans, etc. – winter crops.  In the summer, it’s rice.  Today its really hot and steamy– 95 and mostly no breeze, except when boat was moving on water. 
Crops are farmed on both sides of the river bed
Reception committee at boat dock area
Thanks goodness for some shade on the boat, as it's 95 degrees today

After our boat trip, we arrived at our hotel (Belmond La Residence Phou Vao Hotel) around 5:30.  Mike took a quick dip in the pool and I washed up and changed before our Baci ceremony.  The Baci ceremony is given by the community as a blessing.  It's a combination of Buddhist and animist traditions and used for  5 occasions: if you move to new house, for having a baby, for a wedding, to receive important visitors, or before you leave on trip.  Tonight there was a group of 8 men and women – chanting the blessing and then each person tied white bands on our wrists.  The also served local food and brought flowers.

Our crew leaders - Eszter - accepted the flower tower gift on our behalf

Mike receives another blessing cord around his wrist

Coconut jelly cubes being offered to Mike

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