Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Ananda Temple in Bagan: where the Buddha will smile at you

Children outside the wall of the Ananda Temple

February 27, Tuesday                                                                        Bagan, Myanmar

Next, we went to the Ananda Temple, built at the beginning of the 1100s by the second king of Bagan.  Built on a greek cross plan , it has 4 large standing buddhas inside facing the 4 cardinal directions.  There is an interior circumambulating corridor and exterior corridor.  The Buddhas are large - 9.5 meters tall - and from far away the Buddha appears smiling, but when you come closer, he becomes serious.    In the interior corridors there are many smaller statues, depicting the life of Buddha – including the most famous statue of his nativity scene.  Also, green glazed terra cotta tiles ring the outside of the temple with more scenes from the Buddha's life.

The beautiful Ananda Temple in Bagan is build in successive squares - like a Greek cross church

These four super large Buddhas smile serenely

Exterior courtyard of Ananda Temple

Interior circumambulatory corridor lined with niches containing Buddha statues

Each of the 4 Buddhas is somewhat different

Dry fresco paintings decorate the corridors

Green glazed terra cotta tiles decorate the outside of the temple with scenes from Buddha's life

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