Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Sometimes alone is best - morning walk in Bagan

Morning walk to see the temples in the fields

February 28, Wednesday                                                                     Bagan, Myanmar

Mike and I couldn't wait to get out and explore these wonderful structures, so we got up early this morning and took a walk along the lanes and fields behinds our hotel complex.  We could easily see dozens of temples and stupas to visit.  We wandered happily - while we enjoy our tour group, sometimes it's fun just to get away and savor the serenity.  Lots of birds out singing in the morning.  We also found a local man who was busy cutting reeds. I took his photo and gave him 2000 kip - which brought the biggest smile, for the last photo of the morning.

Walking through the fields and lanes of the Bagan countryside

Seed pods and pickers - and birds' songs -  galore

Our guide told us about a popular activity for tourists.  They rent electric bikes and take an archeological map and visit 100 temples a day for a week (which would still be far less than half of what there is to see!)  Sounds like great fun - I'd love to come back and do it!

We stumbled upon this man cutting reeds to carry back in his baskets

He seems surprised to encounter anyone out in the fields, much less a couple of Americans

We made fast friends with smiles and motions, and he was pleased to have  a small tip to take his photo

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