Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Intha fisherman acrobatics at sunset - a virtual ballet on the water

February 28, Wednesday                                                         Inle Lake, Myanmar

Eight of our boats signed up to stay for the “sunset tour” with our photographer, Jay Dickman.  We were going to take photos of the fisherman at sunset.  After traveling through the small canals and a floating village we headed to the middle of the lake near our hotel complex.

Heading to see the fisherman with photographer Jay Dickman in one of 8 boats

As the sun was almost setting, all our boats converged on 3 fisherman out in the lake, each rowing their own boat, standing up and using their leg to paddle.  They also had large conical wire fishing baskets and spent their time posing in graceful and interesting positions that left you wondering why the didn’t fall down.  We all left and waved goodbye as soon as the sun had set, heading back for dinner at our hotel.

With 8 National Geographic boats, the toughest challenge was getting out of each others way!

Not as picturesque with the whole NG fleet in view!

Boat pilots were most important in maneuvering close without knocking the fisherman out of their boats!

Heading back for our gala dinner tonight

Our helpful launch crew making sure we landed safely
Goodnight Myanmar!

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