Thursday, March 1, 2018

If it's Sunday, we must be having lunch in Laos

Lunch in Laos - beautiful setting, three course lunch

Sunday, February 24                                                                  Vietnam to Laos

Today we were off to the airport and on the bus by 8 AM.  It's a pretty painless way to travel, this lovely private jet.  Our flight crew had oriental cheongsam outfits made overnight while we were in Vietnam –  The all looked lovely.  

Our flight crew - all decked out in creations from Vietnam
Our Nat Geo trip private jet on the tarmac in Luang PraBang, Laos
Airport in Laos (just kidding - this one was scrapped 4 years ago after the Chinese built them a new one

The real, and new, airport in Luang Prabang
Off the plane and ready to tackle Laos

The landing in Luang PraBang was beautiful – many karst hills/mini mountains and river valley.  We deplaned around 12:30 and headed to an outdoor restaurant for  lunch -  the Manda de Laos. We were seated in a gorgeous setting built around pond garden.  They served us a sampling of Laotian food - four different appetizers and four different entrees to try.  Mostly good, but some hard to eat (e.g.,  fish steamed in banana leaves). We had a cream puff with ice cream for dessert – apparently the French influence.
Beautiful setting for our first meal in Luang PraBang

Monet would feel right at home here

Our group is over 70 people - we fill most places to capacity

Can't complain - it's a marvelous trip and we're finally starting to relax

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