Saturday, March 3, 2018

National Museum & the Prabang Buddha

The Luang Prabang National Museum was once the Royal Palace

Monday, February 26                                                                           Laos

We also went to the Royal Palace Museum in Luang Prabang.  At the complex, we saw the original Prabang golden Buddha (no inside photos allowed), which was a gift from the queen from the 10th century.  At the time, most Lao people were animist and she was instrumental in helping the country convert to Buddhism.

We encountered 6 ladies visiting from Vientiane, the capital of Laos, dressed for a wedding in beautiful skill skirts, and shawls and jewelry.

Photos aren't allowed in the former Royal Palace, but the central hall was painted red with many glass mosaics designed in Japan in the 1950s and installed by local Laotians.  The crown prince was decorating the palace in preparation for his inauguration, which never happened. We saw many fascinating things - murals of peasant life in Laos along the Mekong River, gold crowns, shoes and amulets, royal hammocks for riding elephants - and moon rocks(!) - a gift from Richard Nixon to Laos, along with a miniature national flag that had been carried to the moon on Apollo 11.

Facade of National Museum - the triple elephant is the original symbol of Laos, 
represented on their old national flag

Laotian ladies dressing in their finest

The Laotian tapestries are woven with such artistry

Gilded scenes of Buddha's life
Temple housing the most important buddha in Laos
Naga guarding the temple stairs

Fierce nine headed naga snake
Picture of the Prabang buddha -located inside the temple, but no photos allowed 
(photo credit to Jack Daulton)

Pint sided tourists

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