Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Who has more boats than Michael? Our Nat Geo Inle Lake group...

Boats getting ready for our afternoon ride on Inle Lake

February 28, Wednesday                                                              Inle Lake, Myanmar

In the afternoon, groups of 4 or 5 people loaded up on long single motor boats to travel further south on Inle Lake to the Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda.  The boats are wooden, and long, like a skiff.  They had seats for 4 or 5 people, and the pilot sat in the back controlling the motor.  They provided us with life jackets, umbrellas and water.  The trip took about 30 minutes – we went through canals of water hyacinth.  There were about 20 boats to transport us to the Pagoda.  We saw lots of other tourist river traffic – mainly other Asians – and river traffic that was for a purpose – transportation or fishing.  There is an ethnic minority people here – the Intha – that fish the lake and row an oar using their legs.  As we headed out to the Pagoda, I saw a few fishermen in the distance.

About 20 boats transported us south to enjoy the lake and to see a pagoda

And we're off!
Intha Lake fisherman beyond the water hyacinth
Umbrellas, very welcome on this 90 some degree day 

Workers in the farms on the lake 
Fishing technique requires amazing balance - slamming the fish with an oar
A forceful blow 
Zippy gasoline motors throw up rooster tails of spray

Houses along the lake

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