Thursday, March 1, 2018

Saigon Flower Market

Preparing to take orchids via motobike in 98 degree heat - the cotton batting technique!

Saturday, February 24                                                                        Vietnam

After our morning cooking class, we took a tour of some of the highlights in Saigon.  We stopped at the 24 hour flower market, the Notre Dame Cathedral, the Post Office and the former CIA building from the fall of Saigon in 1974.  Lots to see and appreciate in the market!

Lady merchant making a flower delivery

Vietnamese flags line the market side streets

All things lotus:  lotus buds, lotus pods, lotus blossoms, lotus leaves

Lovely 94 year old woman; her son invited me in to say Hello when he heard I was from Chicago

More forms of white rice than I ever imagined
Sweet and smiling woman welcoming a photo

Charming smile  from the woman selling dried fish

The rooftop of the CIA building (actually apartment complex) where the iconic photo was taken of the last  American helicopter leaving Saigon in 1974

Saigon's Notre Dame Cathedral - a landmark now, not a functioning church

Boating on the Saigon River

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