Tuesday, March 6, 2018

A little like Disney World - arriving at the Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda

Arrival by boat at the gold and neon pagoda
February 28, Wednesday                                                       Inle Lake, Myanmar

The Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda was impressive – and fun to arrive from the water. Lots of sellers around the opening, swarming around you as you took your shoes off to enter.

The Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda is the most famous pagoda in Inle lake region. The pagoda houses five small gilded images of Buddha, which have been covered in gold leaf to the point that their original forms cannot be seen.
Only men are allowed to offer the gold-foil onto the Buddha Images.  The five Buddha Images differ in sizes, the smallest is nine inches tall to the largest eighteen inches tall. The solid gold mass reportedly makes the images extremely heavy.

The Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda Festival is held annually every fall.  A large boat with a Golden Hintha Bird creation is used. The Buddha images tour around the Inle Lake from village to village taking 18 days to cover the whole way. 

Approaching the pagoda
The Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda

Giant royal barge used for fall festival
Five Buddha statues literally buried underneath repeated offerings of gold leaf
Ken and Brian inspecting the gold leaf mounds - you buy a paper thin slice of gold leaf 
and then place it in a layer on top of one of the Buddha "mounds"
Maureen's unhappy face -  no girls allowed, not fair! (see sign)
Happy seller - I brought her Lucky Money by buying 3 necklaces and a singing bowl
Girls hoping for more Lucky Money from us tourists

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