Saturday, March 10, 2018

Arrival in Udaipur - fit for a Maharana

Monkeys playing on a wall - do you see the third one hiding in this photo?

Friday,  March 02                                                                         Udaipur,  India

Our flight from Yangon to Udaipar was three hours.  Our Nat Geo experts provided on flight lectures and slide shows again; Carroll gave a talk on the richness of life in India, Jack did a talk on Jainism.  When we arrived, around 4:30 PM local time time, we had quite an experience with passport/immigration control.  It is not an international airport, but allows the NG/TCI private jet to land there.  There are no computers – all of immigration done by hand.  They had 4 guys working on it (at a single work station) – and they kept collecting passports and having us stand to the side while they looked each passport and visa over line by line.  They kept putting the new person's passport on the top of the pile, so those of us who went through early ended up waiting the longest.  It was a bit like a 3 Stooges or Marx Brothers comedy.

Udaipur Airport decorated in colors for the Holi holiday

We boarded a bus to take us to Lake Pichola and the Oberoi Udaivilas Hotel – about a 40 minute ride.  As we boarded the bus, there was a large Indian flag – orange, white and green flying in the breeze, and a large statue of the first King of the Mewar Dynasty (1500s) in front of the airport.  The airport was also decorated because yesterday was a big holiday – Holi – where people dance and throw colored dyes and drink to great excess.

We saw some folks that still had pink or yellow or orange power in their hair – and saw an altercation and a few accidents on the side streets from those that were still partying for Holi.  We also saw the famous cows walking along the streets, passed a large, old zinc factory (reminded me of the old Ford Motor plants in Detroit) and the crazy street life that is India.

If there are cows wandering the roads, it must be India
When we arrived at Lake Pichola, we could see the huge Royal Palace, which seemed to stretch at least 4 city blocks.  We arrived in the late afternoon, just as the twilight was turning the sky rose and pink, coloring the white marble walls of the palace.  We needed to take a boat ride to the Oberoi hotel complex, and as we did so, we took a little tour of the lake – first past the palace itself, then past the “floating hotel” in the middle of the lake, and also past the numerous palace administrative buildings that accumulated near the palace for the officials to live and work – which have now been turned into more hotel complexes.  We saw the sunset from the lake – beautiful.

We boarded boats and crossed Lake Pichola to reach our Oberoi hotel
Udaipur's Royal Palace,where the 76th Majarana, Arvind Singh Mewar, lives
A portion of the palace has been converted into a hotel; the ruling dynasty runs a number of hotel complexes
Beautiful sunset on Lake Pichola 
Our arrival to the hotel was impressive – up from the boat dock to the main welcoming gate via large golf cart-like vehicles.  Awaiting in the fore court of the hotel were 4 camels, an elephant and two of the local Rajasthani horses, as well as a trio of traditional musicians – blowing welcoming horns.  Later that evening I called the grandsons - and told 4 year old Charlie that I'd seen elephants, camels and horses.  "You're crazy, Grandma," he said and ran off.  Maybe he's right? Who can believe all the amazing things we've seen.

Welcoming reception at the Oberoi Udaivilas Hotel
Four camels, two horses and an elephant!

Majestically decorated camels

The famous Mawari horses of Udaipur
These camels are tall!
Entry courtyard to the Oberoi hotel - as we walked through the arch, rose petals rained down on our heads
Welcoming staff

We picked up our welcome packets and keys, and an attendant took us to our room #132 – a long and winding walk past a candle room, the formal gardens, the spa pool, and the spa and down almost to the end of the complex.  THIS time, however, it was great to be at the far location – because we were in a room with a private balcony and access to a semi-private pool.  We looked out on trees and hills and Lake Pichola, and could see the Royal Palace in the distance on our left.  The water was clear and cold and a beautiful blue from the tiles lining the pool.  The grounds are impeccable – bougainvillea all over the place, water features, peacocks strolling the grounds.

Evening twilight view from our room's balcony
Full moon tonight - so big and bright

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