Thursday, May 11, 2017

A pit stop at the Trattoria "Pitstop"

Wednesday, May 10, 2017 - Sometimes simple is the best

Monteriggioni - a small circular hamlet from medieval times with 14 towers around the town walls

On our way to our new location today, we stopped to take a break at Monteriggioni for half an hour, while Michael found us some lemon and Fanta orange sodas.  It's an interesting town - been there twice before - very small hamlet, walled circular town.

We next headed south to reach Montepulciano and our next location, the Villa Cicolina:    We are returning to stay after our visit there 12 years ago.  

Trattoria "Pit Stop" - we took a chance on lunch at the charming (?) little spot

We decided to grab something quick for lunch, as our dinner reservations at the Villa aren’t until 8 PM.  We found a small Bar/Trattoria called “Pitstop” about 5 KM outside of Montepulciano.  It is right next to a large new hospital complex, and had a dozen cars in the parking lot at 2:30 PM in the afternoon – a good sign, we thought. 

My simple and delicious lunch - tagliocini (fatto a casa) con tartufo nero (freshly shaved black truffles)

Indeed, it was quaint, with a grandfatherly chef who had retired from Roma.  His daughter-in-law was our waitress, and her daughter was sitting at a nearby table working on her homework.

We had the daily specials – (piatti di oggi) – tagliocini con tartufo nero for me and spaghetti con le vongole for Mike.  Both plates were simple and delicious – Mike had at least 2 dozen small clams the size of a nickel, sweet and tasty.

Mike's favorite - spaghetti with clams (le vongole) - sweet, tasty and plentiful

Next stop, the Villa Cicolina just outside Montepulciano. Ready for our next adventure!

View of Montepulciano from the vineyards near Villa Cicolina

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