Saturday, May 20, 2017

Our last evening in Umbria - a lovely sunset and goodbye

Monday, May 15, 2017 - A visit to Castello di Portera

Sunset from the Castle - our Borgo is cluster of buildings in the bottom right

In the evening, our last in Italy, we decided to drive up to Castello di Portera to watch the sunset. The place is abandoned – it advertises a restaurant, but perhaps we’re ahead of the season?  We were by ourselves and it was simply lovely,  with expansive, majestic views across the whole valley.  The smells were especially fragrant – someone had just cut the meadow grass, and honeysuckle bushes were prolific.  We left after the sunset at around 8:30.

The Castle of the town of Poreta

The town of Poreta as seen from its castle


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