Saturday, May 20, 2017

Gozzoli & Perugino - visiting the artists in Montefalco

Monday, May 15, 2017 – San Francesco museo - lots of treasures in a small package

From the main square, the Piazza del Comune,  of Montefalco, we headed down a street to Saint Francesco – the (decommissioned) cathedral and the museum.  The church is filled with interesting frescos – although they have had to do some repairs over the years because of the series of earthquake that have occurred in the region over the centuries.   In the apse is a grand series of frescos on the life of St. Francis as painted by Benozzo Gozzoli (Yes, of San Gimignano/St. Agostino fame).  He was in his late 20’s when he came here for this commission, having spent time apprenticing with Fra Angelico in Firenze and this was his first independent commission.  He also painted a chapel in the rear of the church, with the 4 Evangelists in the ceiling.  

Benozzo Gozzoli's frescos on the life of Saint Frances

Gozzoli's painting fill the apse of the church

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The frequent earthquakes in the region have taken their toll on the frescos in the ceiling

A view of the apse of the decommissioned church of San Francesco in Montefalco

In the rear, on the right side is a beautiful series of paintings by Perugino -  in the center, the Nativity with Mary and Joseph and at the top, a representation of God the Father.  His style is so delicate, and the colors of the faces, clothing and naturalistic landscape are remarkable.  We also toured the small museum associated with the church, and bought a guidebook.

Nativity by Perugino

On our way out of town, we stopped  at the convent of San Fortunato – we weren’t able to go in, as it’s under repair.  But we did see one of the Gozzoli frescos – under the shelter of the exterior cloister. 

Fresco in the cloister of the convent of San Fortunate

San Fortunato

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