Friday, May 19, 2017

Montefalco: all tricked out in pink

Monday, May 15, 2017 – Celebrating the Giro d' Italia in Montefalco

After our  little adventure in Bevagna, we headed back to Montefalco.  To get to Bevagna, we needed to drive up to Montefalco, and then continue back down another 10 KM or so. As we approached Montefalco, we  saw all the preparations for the Giro D’Italia– lots of pink balloons and decorations.  Pink is the color of the winning jersey in the Giro -similar to the yellow jersey in the Tour d'France.  Tomorrow they are holding the time trials – il Crono Sagrantino and they end in Montefalco.  Outside the city walls of Montefalco, we passed a large parking lot with big vans and mobile RVs, which were associated with the news media and support for the biking teams.  We saw some teams riding along the roads, with a car and/or van along with them (probably for protection from the crazy drivers!) 

We parked our car in the big lot with the vans and RVs.  A sign said it was only for the Giro, but it was dated May 14. (Today is May 15, and while there were lots of RVs, at least ¾ of the lot was empty.).  We entered the city walls at the Porto Agostino and walked up the corso to the central piazza.  What fun – there was pink everywhere.  Every shop was decorated for the Giro.  There were a fair number of tourists as well –probably more than a typical Monday in May, but not overwhelming.  It’s interesting that this is the 100th event of the Giro. 

Outside the city walls of Montefalco, entering at the Porto Agostino gate

Giro d' Italia cycling teams entering and leaving the Montefalco city gates
The Crono Sagrantino will be held tomorrow, and the ending is in Montefalco

Every shop, trattoria and house on the main streets were decorated with pink flags, flowers and cycling paraphernalia.

More cycling teams riding through town on practice runs today

The Palazzo Comunale, appropriately decorated, and Montefalco's central Piazza

Montefalco is famous for its sagrantino wine, i.e., the name for the time trials, Cronos Sagrantino

Michael dressed for the occasion - his pink polo shirt coordinates well with the flags, don't you think?

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Michael's pink blends in perfectly - he's on the left side of the street

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Goodbye to Montefalco through the Porta di  San Agostino 

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