Saturday, May 20, 2017

Lunch at L'Alchimista in Montefalco

Monday, May 15, 2017 – Our last meal in Italy - sigh
L'Alchimista restaurant

View of Montefalco's piazza from our outdoor table at L'Alchimista

We were ready for lunch by 1:30, and had a reservation at L’Alchimista, right on the Piazza del Comune.  It was quite crowded, with many outdoor tables on the main square under white canvas sun umbrellas, but they had a table for 2 reserved for us. The service was awfully slow, as we came at the end of a busy lunch cycle.  As we were waiting to place our order, big thunder clouds were rolling in, the wind picked up and the temperature quickly became cooler.  As the western sky was turning black, we heard thunder.  Then came the big drops.  The waitress moved us inside, to a cozy little table – along with all the other outside patrons.

Michael at our table - his pink shirt fits in well with the Giro decor


The rain clouds are rolling in -- and they arrived with ferocity

The restaurant receives excellent ratings on the internet, and we found it to be a very good meal.  They served great bread, with Moraiolo single cultivar olive oil – yum.  Mike had a salad for his starter; I had pecorino ravioli with edamame beans.  I ordered a glass of the Montefalco sagrantino wine – and soon decided to have a second one!  Mike had lamb chops- excellent choice.  I had a pork cutlet, which was breaded – it was a bit heavy and seemed more German than Italian.  Our meals came with perfectly roasted potatoes.  I had a chocolate flan for dessert -  It was like a molten chocolate volcano cake, but even more creamy chocolate inside, which was served with millefiore ice cream and a meringue cookie.

My starter - pecorino ravioli

Mike's lamb chops were perfect

Inside table was cozy - and protected us from the spring rain shower

Chocolate flan - warm and delicious, with millefiori gelato

By the time we finished our meal, it had stopped raining.  We walked down the corse back to car, buying a pink mug from the Giro and taking more photos of pink along the way. 

Piazza washed clean by the rain and ready for the Crono Sagrantino tomorrow
Freshly washed pink - the rain didn't dampen anyones spirits

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