Monday, May 22, 2017

Final post - Tuscany & Umbria 2017 -- a few of my favorite memories

So thankful for such a wonderful vacation.  Posting a few final photos of some favorite times, now that we're back in Chicago and recovering from jet lag.

San Biagio in Montepulciano

Picnic dinner in Montepulciano

The evening sunlight at the Borgo Pignano was like a dreamscape

Great evenings on the terrace of the Borgo Pignano in Volterra

Every morning a caffe latte - love this one with the sun pattern in the schiuma (foam) to wake you up!

Drive by hill town photo - love taking car pics!

Doorway in Volterra

Courtyard scene in San Gimingano

Street life

 Vernaccia from San G. So cool and fresh, can just taste it now....

Montepulciano and vineyards

Serene Sant'Antimo

Prosecco celebration at the Villa Cicolina

The reason the town of Pienza smells like cheese

Monte Amiata, view from Pienza

Loved our al fresco lunches
Drawbridge to the Abbey

The Abbey at Monte Oliveta Maggiore - St. Benedict

Some Prosecco before olive oil tasting is always in order

OK, maybe too much Prosecco -- what else would make olive oil be that funny?

Crono Sagrantino in Montefalco


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