Saturday, May 13, 2017

Bagno Vignoni - a delightful surprise

Thursday, May 11 – Lunch at Bagno Vignoni - a wonderful surprise

The center of Bagno Vignoni is a deep thermal basin

As we were leaving the Abbey of Sant'Antimo, we bought some products at the gift shop – locally made honey and lotion.  I had a lovely conversation in Italian with the bookstore attendant.  I was asking her whether she thought we should stop for lunch in Montalcino or Pienza.  She said her favorite town in the area is Bagno Vignoni – that it’s a small jewel box treasure of a town and we should go there.  I’m so glad that we did!

Instead of a town piazza, the center of the town is the thermal bath pool, which has documented use from Roman times

Catherine, patron saint of Italy, Pope Pius II and Lorenzo Medici all visited the baths at Bagno Vignoni

The church is dedicated to Saint Francis --  ironically, the statue of Pan, with his horns & flute, was placed directly in front

Bagno Vignoni has thermal springs that have been used since Roman times and a small village developed in medieval times around a large thermal basin that became the center of the city.  Saint Catherine of Siena was brought here by her mother – reportedly to try to convince her out of her commitment to religious life.  The town is quite small; the quadrangle around the thermal bath basin is lined with sweet little restaurants and shops.  There are a number of high end hotels and other  accommodations here – all emphasizing spa and wellness treatments.

An exhibition of wire sculptures by Daniela Capaccioli was on display in the down for another month

Water sprite sculpture by Daniela Capacciolo

 We found a wonderful restaurant – the Osteria del Leone – and has lunch outside on their patio.  Mike had a mixed salad and I had a grilled whole artichoke served with a light gorgonzola cream sauce and drizzled with olive oil.  Mike had a beautiful dish of hand made spagetti (pici) with bright orange fresh tomato sauce, ricotta cheese and fresh green basil pesto – all the colors of the Italian flag.  I had a maccheroni pasta with pecorino cheese and guanciale meat, very hearty and nut-like flavor.

Terrific restaurant in Bagno Vignoni - with a Michelin listing

Mike is happy - having il prank (lunch) out on the patio of the Osteria

A most beautiful local dish - hand made pici (spaghetti) with fresh tomatoes, ricotta & basil pesto

The dining patio of the Osteria del Leone

Flowers and a shop on the main "square"

 As we were leaving, we saw this sign written on the window of the kitchen (cuchina) of the Osteria del Leone:

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