Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Looking for the the holy and the sacred--and for lunch...

Friday, May 12 – From monastery to abbey -- and a peaceful lunch

The tower gate and drawbridge at the Monte Oliveto Maggiore abbey

After visiting Pienza, we decided we wanted to find a place that seemed more holy – to evoke that sense of peace we had yesterday at Sant’Antimo.  So we decided to drive to Sant’Anna in Caprena.  I remember visiting the monastery from our previous trip and  that is was in a serene and quite setting.  It has some beautiful frescos by Il Sodoma. A number of famous scenes from the movie The English Patient were shot in this location. While we enjoyed the drive up and down the hills of the Val d'Orcia, when we arrived at the hermitage, we found it to be closed, and now turned into (what looks to be a high-end) agriturismo.  We did walk around the grounds a bit, enjoying the olive trees and the late spring flowers.

Sant'Anna in Caprena - a beautiful peaceful setting, now an agriturisom
Very early olives, creating a beautiful spring green color on the silver grey olive trees

We decided to continue on and visit the Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore – and were so glad we did.  It was a bit tricky to find.  We parked and entered the fortified gate after crossing the drawbridge.  Immediately on our left was a trattoria – must have been put there by God, because by now it was 3 PM and we were hungry and getting cranky. We stopped to eat lunch at the Ristorante La Torre before we toured the actual abbey complex.  I had bruschetta and a ham and cheese omelette, and Mike had a mixed salad and spaghetti with mushrooms.  We both had a nice glass of the house table red wine.  We were now fortified, just like the gate, and ready to tackle the Abbey. 

The entrance to the Monte Oliveto Maggiore abbey, over a drawbridge and barbican gate

The trattoria's menu features one of the "bad women" from the fresco of Signorelli, inside the abbey

Eating our lunch outside in their garden terrace
Fresh pomodori bruschette and a salad for starters

A terracotta glazed statue of Saint Benedict on the inside of the barbican tower gate

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