Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Adelie Penguin Colony at Shingle Cove, South Orkneys

Up on the cliff with the nesting Adelie penguins, looking across the cove at the Endurance


Sunday, November 12 -  Shingle Cove, South Orkney Islands

We finished our tour of the blue, blue glaciers in Shingle Cover and our Zodiac driver, Tiphanie, has brought us across the cove to the rocky beach where there is a large colony of nesting Adelie penguins. Upon landing, we saw a number of the penguins walking all around us on the shoreline.  Adelie’s are the ones with a black head and a white circle around their eyes. They are one of the smallest species of penguins. A number of them were walking up/hiking up the cliff from down by the water.  From our landing on the beach, we had an opportunity to hike up a rocky, snowy outcropping to see nesting Adelies on the cliff above.  At first, I let Michael go on up the trail, and I was just going to stay at the beach.  But I decided to climb up, even thought it was an icy and slippery ascent.  I was so glad I did the climb, as it was worth it to get a good look at the nesting Adelies and to see them incubating their eggs. After some time taking lots of fun photos, I headed carefully back down the slope.  Michael and I ended up returning to the ship on the same Zodiac, even thought we hadn’t seen each up on the cliff or coming down!.

Orange jackets at the top of the snowfield - can't miss our fellow travelers!

I think we line up just like the penguins when we hike on the snow

Adorable Adelies cruising the beach

Easy to recognize - small, with black heads and a white circle around their eyes

Heading into the water for feeding

The downhill part of this hike was the challenge - icy and slippery

A well deserved rest out on the balcony after a fun morning

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