Thursday, February 8, 2024

What Can You Observe While Hiking on Keppel Island?


Large eggs of the nesting Kelp Geese

Thursday, November 2 - Keppel Island, West Falklands

While walking, I saw many nests - often unable to see them until I was right on top of their location.  The nesting Kelp goose would flush up out of the brush, startling me and giving away the nest's location.  I saw many blooming shrubs, with pretty pink and white flowers.  Of course, the golden flowers of the gorse bushes added bright spots all along the hike.

Kelp goose nest, lined with feathers

Scurvy grass in flower; on right is diddle dee shrub

Close up of delicate scurvy grass flower

Sacrum (pelvis bone) of a sea bird

A pale green clump of lichen

Close up of gorse flowers

Scattered feathers from a raided goose egg nest

This nest was well hidden, it would have been an ankle wrench if  accidentally stepped into

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