Monday, February 12, 2024

Godthul Bay, South Georgia

The Endurance and beached icebergs in Godthul Bay

Thursday, November 9 -  Gothul, South Georgia 

The Endurance arrived at our next location,  Godthul Bay, around 3 PM, after our morning visit to the abandoned whaling station at Stromness.  Godthul is a nice little pocket of a place, also an old abandoned whaling station.  We loaded up to go out on the Zodiacs. This time we got to ride with Stefano, our expedition leader, - and he was great.  Not as many people wanted to go on excursions this afternoon, as the weather has been a bit miserable today. So we only had 7 people in the Zodiac, which made it easier to photograph.  

A large twin iceberg was beached in the bay. We went to see it and cruise around it a bit and then headed to the beach.  Again, the beach was littered with lots of elephant seals and fur seals.  We saw another bull elephant seal mating.  My videos are now officially X rated.  We drove to a high, small, thin waterfall flowing down off a cliff’s edge - reminded me of Lauterbrunnen, in Switzerland.  We picked up some ice to look at the bubbles and some macro cystic kelp to look at what’s growing on it (clams and little round worms with calcified shells). We popped one of the kelp’s cysts - it was hard to do!  After an hour’s cruise, we returned to ship.  Patrick and staff served us hot cider upon arrival - a very nice touch.

Our Expedition Leader, Stephano

Twin beached icebergs

This one's my favorite - looks like a soft-serve cone!

Elephant seals and gentoo penguins

Gentoo penguins nesting high up on the cliffs

Gorgeous cliff rockface

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