Sunday, February 11, 2024

Salisbury Plain, South Georgia - Home for 100,000 King Penguins

King penguins on Salisbury Plain, with Grace glacier on the horizon

Tuesday, November 7 -  Salisbury Plain, South Georgia

So many penguins! All in the flatlands by the Lucas glacier

The Endurance had repositioned along the South Georgian coast during our lunch period. We were headed to Salisbury Plain, a broad, flat expanse on the northern coast between the Grace and Lucas glaciers. The glaciers sweep down on either side of Mount Ashley to the south, wrapping their arms around either side of the mountain. Salisbury Plain is the second largest king penguin rookery in South Georgia.  There are around 60 - 100,000 penguins, including chicks, as well as many elephant seals and Antarctic fur seals. 

Penguin welcoming party at our Zodiac landing site

We were called down by decks to disembark on our Zodiacs.  It was a quick trip across for a fairly tame wet landing on a stony beach.  We were surrounded by seals - lots of elephant seals, and many male fur seals (the females are still out feeding ahead of their impending breeding season).  We landed and dropped our life jackets off in the barrels provided.  Michael had taken a Zodiac that landed before I did and as soon as he started walking, he was chased by one of the aggressive fur seals.  You have to be careful, as they not only charge you, but will actually bite.  It's not advised to run from them, as they will chase you!  Of course, you are asked not to approach them - but sometimes they have other ideas, defending their territory during mating season!

They are very curious and come right up to you; we are asked to stay 15 feet away

Michael and I connected on the beach and began our walk to main penguin colony. The king penguins are all over the place, with the biggest concentration of them located on a path off to our left about a quarter of a mile.  It was just amazing walking around.  There were penguins and fur seals and elephant seals everywhere.  The penguins are curious and kept coming up to us constantly.  We are supposed to stay 15 feet away from them, so we would either stop to let them walk by, or back away as they came close.  My photos that appear closer to the wildlife are taken with a telephoto or iPhone zoom.

They are good sized - about three feet tall

Rather cranky and agressive male fur seals; it's mating time, you know

Which way should we go?

Oh yes, this way please...

So much fun

The humans and the penguins - all walking in our respective groups

So curious

It must be nap time for this group

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