Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Hiking on the Fast Ice at Snow Hill

What memories we are making on this excellent adventure in Antarctica

Tuesday, November 14 -  Fast Ice Hike, Snow Hill

Our naturalist team stakes out the pathways for our ice walk

A nice 3 mile round trip to the rock islands and glaciers

I could hear the crew get the “gang plank” set up for our disembarkation. Then we saw the naturalist staff all out walking on the ice to set up a perimeter for us.  I was excited to get outside.  They told us to be sure and bring our jackets, waterproof pants, rubber boots, sunscreen and sun glasses.  We went out a new door today to use the gangplank to exit the ship. They had a large metal ramp that let us walk out directly on the ice.

Associate Director Alexis, Captain Aaron and Expedition Leader Stephano - great team of leaders!

Once on the ice, you had a number of options. You could just hang around and walk in the area, or you could do a long loop out to a large ice mountain.  We did both.  We brought our crampons, and I’m glad we did, because it kept me from slipping.  But the snow was soft, and in a few places, you’d slip down in, almost to your knee.  I did a deep one once, and it took me a minute to get out.  Reminds me of our MTU days! First we walked to the right, and took some pictures with flags and some ice mounds.  Then we went past the ship and walked the circle route, which Michael and I estimated to be about 2 or 2.5 miles.  It was a fun walk and we took more photos of ourselves along the way.  At the end of the first third, we saw two crab eater seals.  They were just lying on the ice, taking naps.  On the second third, we came to a large crack in the ice and we saw fur seals sticking their head up in the crack between the ice, coming up for air. Very fun.  And on the last third, I passed a bevy of photographers, lying on the snow in front of the Endurance, snapping photos of Emperor penguins - just like paparazzi!

Crabeater seal

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