Thursday, February 8, 2024

Hiking on Keppel Island - Beautiful Vistas and Interesting Birds


Hiking on Keppel Island

Thursday, November 2 - Keppel Island, West Falklands

We had an invigorating walk across Keppel Island, observing the vegetation and local birds. The vegetation included lots of gorse shrub, which were blooming yellow in spring.  We saw lots of birds, including nesting kelp geese and Magellanic oystercatchers.  The hike was hard, as the ground was very uneven and full of little hillocks among the tussock grass.  In some places, it was very spongy and felt like walking on a bounce board.  Twice, I flushed up a kelp goose that was nesting, it scared me the first time!  It’s interesting that there are no native trees to speak of, although the vegetation is interesting for lots of shrubs, including the gorse, and many types of what looked like forms of heather or other evergreens. 

The grass was thick and spongy, without any specific trail to follow

The Endurance has repositioned to meet us at a new location where our hike ends

Nesting pair of Kelp Geese

Magellanic Oyster Catcher

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