Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Yellow, Orange and Green Stuff on Coronation Island


Cushion Xanthoria lichen, with yellow-orange fruiting bodies

Sunday, November 12 -  Shingle Cove, South Orkney Islands

Just sharing a few of the fun things I saw on our hike to visit the Adelie penguin colony on Coronation Island.  If you look around, you will be amazed at the colors of the Antarctic microclimates.

Egg and bones - probably the work of a petrel or skua scavenger bird

Orange and yellow rock lichens

Spring green moss

Skua scavenger bird, patiently waiting above the penguin colony.  They will eat unattended eggs

Limpets adhere to rocks in the tidal waves on the beach

Interesting quartz rock formation under the waves at the beach

Rock formation with yellow quartz veins

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