Sunday, February 11, 2024

Cruising the North Coast of South Georgia

The Endurance cruises along the northern shore of South Georgia Island

Tuesday, November 7 -  Views of the northern coast, South Georgia

After our morning excursion in Elsehul Bay, we returned to the Endurance, to move to our next location.   Before lunch, we had a talk by naturalist Tiphani May about South Georgia. Interesting to learn that that no one actually lives there now.  It had served as the gateway to the Antarctic during the “Golden Age of Exploration” and was home to a huge whaling industry, from 1904 until 1966.  No one lives permanently on South Georgia, which is  officially a British protectorate.  There is a research station, the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) that houses about 40 scientists and crew, and a few summer workers staff the museum and store at Grytviken. We will visit Grytviken tomorrow.

Rugged peaks; isolated beauty

Michael enjoying the sunshine and mild weather

A snow sheathbill flys past our seats on the ship

Lots of great icebergs - these are so blue - (no filters or saturation boost on any of my photos)

A conclave of snowy sheathbills

It's such a nice day - not even a coat or sweater is needed

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