Thursday, February 8, 2024

Beach barbecue on Keppel Island, West Falklands


Beach barbeque on Keppel Island

Thursday, November 2 - Keppel Island, West Falklands

I walked over the grassy fields on Keppel Island for more than an hour; Michael headed on a separate, parallel way along the beach.  I took lots of photos along the way, not in a hurry - and still beat Michael to the barbecue area.  The ship had repositioned to our new location to pick us up and was waiting on the near horizon. At the end of our hike, we were promised a beach barbecue, which we found on the shoreline. The barbecue was down a small cliff scramble, right on the beach. When I walked down on the beach, I saw the biggest limpets, along with mussels and clam shells.  I enjoyed some of the barbecued local beef, pretty tasty.  Michael arrived a short time later and we decided it was time to board the Zodiacs and head back to the ship. 

Ruddy headed goose checking out the Endurance

Our ship's crew offering beach barbecue cuisine

Chief chef Bodgan at the grill

Colorful lichen on the shoreline

Huge limpets!

All geared up and ready for the Zodiac return

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