Monday, February 12, 2024

Moving to St. Andrews Bay - So Many Icebergs!

Wednesday, November 8 -  Grytviken to St. Andrews Bay, South Georgia

The weather was nice enough that we could enjoy our lunch outside today, so we thought

As we left Grytviken, headed to our next location, the sky was beautiful and sunny, and it was a warmish day. The outdoor tables were set up on Deck 8 along the sides where we usually eat our lunch at C. Green’s bistro.  We were glad for the chance to eat outdoors, and placed our orders. Mike and I had Indian curry lentil soup and the farmers salad.  The Endurance was underway and had left the protection of the King Edward Cove just as we sat down.  It only took a minute or two to get past King Edward Point and into the open sea, when the wind started blowing.  Even with blankets, and the heating lights on, it was cold.  And then our lettuce started blowing off our plates!! It became clear it was time to go back inside to finish our meal!

Even though I was inside working on desert, I kept popping up to take photos of the giant icebergs that were floating by. What a sight! Later, there was a parade of icebergs that we passed along our port side, the whole length of this section of the island that we traveled along.

This afternoon, we were headed for St. Andrew’s Bay, which is the largest King penguin colony on the island - at least 200,000 pairs.  As we were repositioning, we had a lecture by Jamie Coleman on penguins - perfect timing!

Working on my photos and modeling my new hat, bought at Grytviken!

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