Monday, February 12, 2024

The Chef's Dinner - A tribute to Ernest Shackleton and the Endurance


Our welcome to the Captain's Dinner, champagne on Deck 8

Saturday, November 11 -  Captain's Dinner

Surprise - our invitation to the Chef's Dinner greeted us this morning

Tonight, we had our Chef’s Dinner up at a private table on Deck 8 at C. Green’s restaurant. The Chef’s Dinner is interesting; each night about 20 guests are invited to the seven course dinner, which has dishes that are created to evoke the memory of Ernest Shackleton’s adventures.  Even the name of the upstairs restaurant harkens to him - Charlie Green was his expedition’s cook.  

The dinner opened recalling Shackleton’s Farewell Dinner in Buenos Aires, on October 17th, 1914 with an appetizer box of swordfish ceviche, Argentinian empanadas, choripan con queso, and prime beef asado with chimichurri. Wine was paired with each of the offerings.  Next was one of my favorites, called Imminent Waves of the Drake, with a duck mouse covered in mint jelly, caramelized onion in red wine sauce, crispy wavy won ton and pistachio crumble.  The serving vessel and “wavy won ton” made it look like a small boat on the waves.  The third course was called the Weddell Sea; a soup made from white turnip and green apple with a pesto crouton and leek ashes.

Shackleton's Buenos Aires appetizer box

"Imminent Waves of the Drake" - duck mousse

"The Weddel Sea" - a turnip and green apple based soup

The next offering was called Sir Ernest Shackleton, “The Boss” - Patagonian tooth fish, sushi nori, beetroot and calafate berry sauce, spinach risotto and glazed carrot. We had a basil sorbet and champagne palate cleanser, and then Charlie’s Favorite - herb crusted lamb loin, thyme gravy, potato fondant, vegetable pie, tomato powder and black sesame seeds.  Before desert, we had a small glass of amber alcoholic digestivo, but I don’t remember what exactly.  And finally, Arrival to South Georgia, May 19, 1916 - which offered hidden bread and butter pudding, pear jelly, honey tulip, Bailey’s Ice Cream and warm rum and vanilla sauce (which melted the chocolate dome enclosing the hidden bread pudding) - a nice, fancy touch to finish off the meal.

"The Boss: - Patagonian toothfish

Basil Sorbet

"Charlie's Favorite" - herb crusted lamb

"Arrival to South Georgia" - hidden bread and butter pudding, melted away chocolate bombe

A fun evening with delicious, bite sized servings

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