Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Chinstrap Penguins, Sandefjord Bay, South Orkneys

If you look closely, you can see why they are called chinstrap penguins

Sunday, November 12 -  Sandefjord Bay, South Orkney Islands

All those little black dots above the blue iceberg on the shoreline are chinstrap penguins - hundreds!

During lunch time, the ship was repositioning to the west end of Coronation island, to an area called Sandefjord Bay.  I stopped in the bridge to see what the naturalists were watching. As we passed the ice floes and sloping snowfields climbing up from the beaches, you could see lots of penguins.  There were many colonies on the snow fields of the mountain sides.  Thousands of penguins! Couldn't wait to get out on the Zodiacs to visit them.

Chinstrap penguins, on the beach and all along the cliffs

I went on a Zodiac cruise in Sandefjord Bay in the afternoon.  Michael is feeling under the weather from his cold, and decided to stay behind and do the sauna and hot tub.  I was in a Zodiac with Gail as the driver.  We drove over to the far part of the fjord and saw colonies of chin strap penguins, climbing up the snow fields and posing on the rocks. My grandson Calvin watches a cartoon show, Octonauts, which featured an episode on chinstrap penguins that we have watched many times together.  So I was very excited to see them IRL.

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