Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Meet the Emperor Penguins, Snow Hill, Antarctic Peninsula


Gorgeous Emperor penguin tobogganing along on its belly on the ice

Tuesday, November 14 -  Emperor Penguins, Snow Hill

The fast ice around Snow Hill island is the northernmost location for Emperor penguin colonies.  Our expedition leader, Stephano, worked really hard to make sure we could see the Emperor's, as many tour groups are not able to do so.  We were lucky to see them in a number of locations. This was the first time a number of our naturalists had seen them in the wild.  It was a treat to be able to watch their antics.

Emperor penguin taking a rest from tobogganing toward the open sea

This group of three were like Larry, Moe and Curly on ice!

Our local paparazzi team, working on the perfect telephoto capture

Larry, Moe and Curly eventually headed across the ice to the open sea for some feeding time

The fastest of the three has almost made their target

Now, some hesitation and backtracking - maybe the water was too cold this morning?

After about 15 minutes, the first bravely dives in

And the next one....

Finally, all in....

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