Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Ice Tour in Sandefjord Bay, South Orkneys

Maneuvering among the bergy bits (icebergs less than 3 meters) in the Zodiac

Sunday, November 12 -  Sandefjord Bay, South Orkney Islands

We finished off our excursions around Coronation Island and the South Orkneys in the afternoon, with a Zodiac ride among lots of bits of ice and small bergs.  The Zodiacs were congregated together, because we'd found a number of seals that everyone was interested in checking out. Those that were in Jamie’s Zodiac had seen a leopard seal kill a penguin. I guess it was a bit traumatizing for some people, as it was fairly gory. Our group saw a leopard seal, laying on top of a flat berg, sleeping away.  It was hard to see it well, as it was so flat and spread out, sunning itself.  We also saw two Weddell seals.  I'm not disappointed to have missed the penguin meal experience with the leopard seal.

Sleepy Weddell seal

Leopard seal

Two Weddell seals with a chinstrap colony on the upper slope

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