Monday, February 12, 2024

At Sea to South Orkney

Morning sunrise at 4:30 AM, iceberg on the horizon

Saturday, November 11 -  At Sea to South Orkney

'The sea is a desert of waves, A wilderness of water." - Langston Hughes


I was up again today at 4:20 and saw the sun rise at 4:28.  No clouds, and a beautiful pastel color to the morning.  There was a large squarish iceberg passing by, and it caused an eclipse with the sun; photos were spectacular.  I dozed off and on until 6:30 and then got up to do morning stretches with the instructor in the upstairs yoga studio.  It was bright and sunny, with lots of icebergs floating by.  We are at sea today, on our way to the South Orkney islands.

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