Tuesday, February 13, 2024

South Orkneys - A Captivating Morning in the Southern Ocean

Beautiful blue glaciers on Coronation Island, South Orkneys

Sunday, November 12 -  South Orkney Islands, Southern Ocean

Today we are heading to the South Orkney Islands, for an unscheduled stop.  We were originally going to spend an extra day at South Georgia, but we left early to head down into the Weddell Sea, as the ice conditions are favorable.  On the way, we are making a day stop at this isolated, spectacular location.

Sunrise at South Orkney Islands

I was up at 4:30 this morning and this may have been my favorite morning of the whole trip.  Looking out the window was just crazy!.  Large icebergs were passing by our deck - and they were close!  And then you could see the volcanic peaks that made up the  mountains of this island cluster, the South Orkney Islands. It was unbelievably spectacular, and so close you  could reach out from the balcony and almost touch it. We had arrived at Coronation Island and were traveling past some of the most amazing scenery.  Big, big icebergs.  We kept following the shoreline, across the southern edge of the island.  I saw a  lone penguin  - on one iceberg; and later more clusters of penguins riding around on the ice.  And the ice sheet covering much of the island gives rise to so many glaciers, some hanging down right in from of us. I couldn’t stay off the deck nor stop taking photos.  I was captivated.

We passed many penguins, lounging on the icebergs as we sailed by

Our daily program for today was humorous:

    Because this was an unplanned stop, our program for today reads as follows:

    Expedition Morning:  Nobody Knows!

    Expedition Afternoon: Anything Can Happen! 

Beautiful blue glaciers, tumbling down to the sea

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