Thursday, February 8, 2024

West Point Rockhopper Penguins - A Closer Look

This rockhopper is carefully watching me - don't get too close, nice to have zoom lenses


Friday, November 3 -  West Point Island

Here's a little more detail about rockhopper penguins from Wikipedia.  "Rockhopper penguins are among the smaller species of penguin. After reaching full growth, they are about 20 inches in height. Males and females cannot be distinguished visually, so a DNA test is conducted by taking a feather from the bird to determine its gender. Like many penguins, rockhopper penguins have a white belly and the rest of their body is black. Some characteristics that differentiate them from the other penguins are their red eyes, orange beak, pink webbed feet, and the yellow and black spiky feathers they have on their head. Although their yellow and black spiky feathers differentiate them from other penguins, rockhopper penguin chicks do not have them; these feathers develop with age. Their orange beak is initially black, but as the penguins get older, their beaks turn orange. Due to the harsh rocky environment, they cannot slide on their bellies like most penguins, so they hop to get from one place to another, hence their name."

Love those pink feet - with big claws

Getting a side eye look from this one!

Both sexes take care of the eggs - one or two laid each year

Rockhoppers eat krill and other sea crustaceans

Yellow crested head and bright orange beak

These feet and claws help them hop up the rocks, and balance on precarious perches

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