Thursday, February 8, 2024

West Point Island Devil's Nose Bird Colonies

Devil's Nose is a cliff location on West Point Island, home to albatross and rockhopper penguins


Friday, November 3 -  West Point Island

After a beautiful hike, we arrive at a cliff's edge named Devil's Nose, tucked behind large clumps of tussock grass.  According to our naturalists, during the peak of the season, nearly 15,000 black-browed albatross pairs nest on here, along with several hundred pairs of rockhopper penguins. The noise from the chirping penguins filled the air.

There were pathways between the tussock hills that allowed us to get close to see the rockhopper penguins and the nesting black browed albatross.  We could peer at them between the fronds of grass without bothering them, and watch their antics and rituals.  It was a very special experience that I will carry in my memory for a long time.

Hidden among the tussock grass, nesting albatross and penguins

Up to 15,000 nesting black browed albatross are found in this location

Rockhoppers and black browed albatross share this space - not always genially

These four rockhoppers appear to be having an animated conclave

Three albatross getting cranky with a little rockhopper below

Oh my, these rockhoppers have taken over an albatross nest!

Any bets on which one will blink first?

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