Monday, October 11, 2021

Acqua Alta in Piazza San Marco

Friday                                                                                                    October 8, 2021

With all the high winds (up to 40 MPH), tides and rain this week, we shouldn't have been surprised that parts of Venice were experiencing Acqua Alta (high water).  It's a regular occurrence in spring and fall - and it was much worse when we were here a few years ago.  Unfortunately, it was devastating last year. 

But, Venice is prepared for it and knows how to handle the crowds.  They bring out the platforms for walking, close off and route around the flooded routes, and -now- they even sell disposable boots for those who choose to walk through the water.  There are large signs describing Acqua Alta and the typical routes that are closed at all the water bus fondaments (and more information on line).

It didn't bother us, as we didn't have any set plans, so we adjusted our walking paths and enjoyed the theatre.  

Most of the dozens of gondolas that are usually moored here are moved elsewhere because of the tidess

Platforms are aligned into pedestrian walkways to keep people out of the water - My friend called it "Abby Road" for Venice

The entrances to the Basilica San Marco and the Doges Palace are all closed - you have to know the secret ways to get there!

You cannot walk across the Piazza - but must follow the platforms - with the lines of people walking in single file.

Even with high water, Venice is a place for romance.  Love this couple enjoying each other and the beautiful city.

Water bubbling up from the drainage covers - still coming in, before the tide goes back out.

Big smiles - we love this amazing city

New (to us) is the use of disposable plastic boots to get around in the high water areas 

You can buy the boots here in the Piazza

This young boy was having a blast playing around in the water - reminding us to all find joy in the experience!

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