Sunday, October 10, 2021

Torcello's amazing mosaics - Santa Maria dell'Assunta


Friday                                                                                                      October 8, 2021

One of the reasons I love to return to Torcello is to see the beautiful mosaics inside the basilica of Santa Maria dell'Assunta.  Three large sections of the basilica are covered in 11th and 12th century mosaics - in the central apse - the Virgin Mary and child on a gold field of mosaics.  In the apse on the right aisle, Christ the Pantocreator, and the Agnus Dei and Doctors of the Church.  And on the back wall, most fascinating and complicated are the panels depicting the Last Judgement.

Photos are not allowed inside the basilica, but I cheated and took a few.  However, this website shows and explains the details of the mosaics:

Similar to the Duomo on Murano, a very unassuming exterior hides beautiful treasures within.

A central nave, mosaics lining the floor, a painted iconostasis 2/3 the way forward, and brilliant mosaics in the dome.

Two angels from the annunciation above, the saints and doctors of the church below

Three sections of mosaics on the apse of the right side

Christ the Pantocreator, along with the angels Michael and Gabriel

The Agnus Dei with four angels - the color and style of these remind me of Ravenna's mosaics

The great scene of the Last Judgement - heaven on the left, hell on the right

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