Thursday, October 7, 2021

Traveling to Torcello - the Venetian Lagoon

The Fondamente Nuove - the location in Venice to catch the water bus (vaporetto) to various other parts of the Lagoon

Wednesday                                                                                                        October 6, 2021

We'd greatly enjoyed our first day in Venice, but as the afternoon wore on, it was time to pick up our luggage and head to Torcello, our island home for the next three days.  We are staying at the Locanda Cipriani and you can either hire a water taxi to go there (about 120 Euro), or take the public water bus (vaporetto) for about 10 Euro.  We were happy to use the public transportation.

Good bye to our B & B - (our room was the top two windows on the right) - picked up our luggage to head on out.

The Fondamente Nouva fermata - the floating stop where you embark on the water bus.  When the boats go by, the little box bounces up and down with the waves.

And so many boats go by!  This area of the Lagoon is high traffic on the water.

Looking out to the island of Murano from the Fondamente Nuove - not just police boats, but ambulance and fire department boats plying the Lagoon waters as well.

Even though the skies were blue, it was still threatening rain, with a huge on shore breeze (gusting to 40 MPH!) kicking up big waves in the Lagoon and threatening to cause Aqua Alta on Thursday. 

Looking back on Il Gesuiti church after departing from the Fondamente

Reflections on the day...

The boat traffic lanes are well marked with rows of pylons - to travel to the various islands and the mainland

Rush hour in the Lagoon - with high winds and waves

To arrive at Torcello, you take Line 12, which stops at Murano and Mazzorbo and finally Burano, where we have to disembark and pick up Line 9 to Torcello.  It's an interesting ride - past a number of abandoned buildings, as well as the active islands.

The water bus stop at Burano - where we need to change - just like on land busses.

Hauling our suitcases along the quay at Burano, to catch Line 9 to Torcello

A closer view of the Burano water bus stop - threatening clouds on the horizon

The basilica of Santa Maria Assunta  gleams in the setting sun as we approach Torcello.

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