Sunday, October 17, 2021

Rent a boat on Lake Como? Why, yes please!


Thursday                                                                                    October 14

Yesterday Michael wanted to rent a boat for a cruise of Lake Como.  However the winds were high from the north and there were whitecaps on the lake.  Michael said "Yes", and Susan said "No".  Fortunately, the tie breaker was the boat rental guy, who said Nope, come back tomorrow.

Today we woke up to sunny and calm - a perfect day for a boat excursion.  If you know Michael, you know this is his passion.  Counting all our kayaks, we have nine boats at home.  He grew up boating on Lake Huron at his family cottage in Caseville.  He was so ready for this, and you can tell by the big smiles, he's really enjoying it.

Morning skies before sunrise - it's looking good for boating

One of two boat rentals in Bellagio is located at Punta Spartivento, which is where we went.

As soon as Michael saw this sign, he was hooked!

We had to climb down the stairs to the little metal platform, where the boat rental guy was waiting for us. (And this is where you return!)

Doesn't he look happy?  This little concrete harbor is behind, to the left

We went first to Pescallo Bay - which is the overlook from our hotel terrace.

In Pescallo Bay, we had a great view of our Hotel Belevedere

Looking North, the Bellagio promontory is on the left (Villa Serbelloni is yellow, highest up) - Varenna on the right.

Leaving Pescallo Bay to head to the Como side of the lake

The town of Varenna is ahead on the point

Approaching Varenna, with it's pretty church, hotels and villas

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