Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Verona's Duomo - a Titian, a blue angel and an enchanting cloister


The Canon's Cloister is located adjacent to the St. Elena's within the Duomo complex

Saturday                                                                                            October 16, 2021

Verona's Duomo is actually a complex of buildings - the church, consecrated in 1187, the Baptistery of St. Giovanni in Fonte, the church of St. Elena, the Canon's cloister and the Chapter Library.  Known as Santa Maria Matricolare, it is build upon the site of two previous churches and was consecrated in 1187.

Both it's exterior, including the facade, and its separate campanile (bell tower) are a mix of styles.  The facade has a two story Romanesque projecting porch (protiro), which is covered in sculptures and supported on the backs of two large griffins.

The Duomo, with its two story porch and free standing bell tower

The bell tower was begun in the 1500's and has nine bells.  It was finally completed in the 20th century.

The south portico carvings are from the 12th century and include a lion and an angel

One of the two large griffins that hold up the exterior double story porch

Light and airy interior.  The Titian painting is in the arch on the left.

The frescoes surround the high altar.

The Assumption of the Virgin - a painting by Titian

The Canon's Cloister,  double columned and doubled rows of arches

Mosaic floors from the earliest church on this site (4th century) are displayed as windows into the layers below.

The cloister well

                      The bell tower peeks over the cloister in the late afternoon

There was an exhibition of ancient maps in the aisles of the cloister - this is an early map of Europe (upside down)

Early map of the city of Verona and surrounding hills.  You can see the bend in the Adige River.

A statue of Dante outside the famous and important Chapter Library

 The Blue Angel of Acceptance by Albano Poli, from 2015 

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