Thursday, October 21, 2021

Time to say goodbye


Sunday                                                                                                October 17, 2021

Time to say goodbye, as the signature Andrea Bocelli song "Con ti Partiro" says.  It's our last full day in Italy and we intend to soak up the atmosphere so that we can bring it home with us.  We began our day with breakfast on the terrace.  Fa fresca ma c'e sole.  It was cool, but sunny.  We carried out our trays of fresh farm cheese and focaccia bread and fennel, some sweet cakes with house made plum jelly and a big mug of cappuccino.  (Always espresso doppio for Michael.)

We were the only ones outside, but soon others followed.  It is Sunday morning and the small church on our hill chimes out the time with its melodic bells every 15 minutes.  And on the hour and half hour, we could hear all the bells, including some sounds wafting up the hill from down in Verona.  The birds were out, adding to the sweet sounds of the morning, and where it was sunny on the rocks, little lizards were peeking out.

Our last hearty farmhouse breakfast

The sounds of Verona's church bells traveled up to our terrace from the valley below.

We lingered for more than an hour - time for a second round of coffees - and soaked up the sun and the serenity.  No agenda for today.

We will leave around 3 PM to drive to Venezia to stay next to the Marco Polo Airport, as we need to be at the airport at 7 AM tomorrow for our flight home.  Originally, we were going to spend the night here - but it's a 90 minute drive from Verona to the Venice airport, and that sounded too stressful.

Sometime today we'll pack up our suitcases and make sure the souveners are safely tucked into corners with bubble wrap. Not too much this time - a pretty Murano vase and small items for the kids and grandkids.

Cortile San Mattia's outdoor terrace was a perfect place for lingering on a fall Sunday morning.

Chiesa San Mattia is located at the top of our little Via San Mattia street - about 300 meters from our agriturismo apartment.  We loved hearing the bells chiming the time and calling to mass.  Michael attended the service and went to communion this morning. It was built in 1180 on the ruins of an old Roman pagan temple.  It was enlarged and renovated in the early 1800s. The chairs outside are for COVID compliance.

Built in 1180 on the ruins of an old Roman temple, the Chiesa di San Mattia (St. Matthias).

Afternoon lounging location - for reading a writing - before packing up for  the airport.

            From the lyrics "Con ti Partiro":

Time to say goodbye
To countries I never
Saw and shared with you
Now, yes, I shall see them
I’ll go with you
Go on ships across seas

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