Sunday, October 10, 2021

Riding the Water Taxis around the Venetian Lagoon

Michael enjoying the comfort of the water taxi interior cabin - waves are too big to open to the outside today

Friday                                                                                                    October 8, 2021

There are many ways to get around Venice - all via boat or on foot.  But perhaps my favorite splurge is to take a water taxi.  These lovely wooden boats are fast and sleek.  The usually charge between 100-120 euro per trip - but after taking multiple water busses and vaporetti over 2 days, sometimes it's worth a little indulgence.

So today, when we returned to Piazza San Marco for some more sight seeing, we came from Torcello via a water taxi.  This means we were able to see a bit more of Venice, as the taxi must drive around past the Arsenale and the Parco on the Castello side of Venice, and travel along the Riva Schiavoni, with great views of the other islands, the Lido and the churches with their bell towers on the way.

The Lagoon traffic lanes are well marked - you always pass by Burano, with this lovely view, on your way to Venice from Torcello

Over the horizon, and this fisherman and his boat, you can see the Dolomite mountains

Keeping warm and dry.  The weather has been furiously windy with off and on rain

Big waves in the traffic lanes from all the busy boat traffic - here the water bus goes by

Approaching Murano - there's lots to see along the way and I thought I'd get a few photos

Well, maybe not such a good idea - the Arsenale, I think?

OK, it's a lost cause - no photos, just enjoy the view when you can....

We might have anticipated the Acqua Alta (high water) that was happening in Piazza San Marco when we rounded the end of Castello and saw the wind and waves looking like this!

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