Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Verona's Piazza delle Erbe - on the original Roman Forum

Saturday                                                                                            October 16, 2021

The Piazza delle Erbe (square of the herbs) or Market Square, was originally the site of a Roman forum.  Its name comes from its history as a place to purchase aromatic spices, herbs, coffee beans and textiles that were shipped to Venice and transported here for sale.

The Piazza still hosts a busy market here from Monday to Saturday, with produce and flowers, along with souvenir vendors.

The Torre dei Lamberti (tower, 1172), the Casa dei Giudici (Judges Hall) and the ancient town hall of Piazza delle Erbe

A lively market and (l to r) the Torre del Gardello (1370), Palazzo Maffei and the frescoed Case Mazzanti

Toys and souvenirs for your buying pleasure

Hot roasted chestnuts for sale -- you call tell it's fall by the aroma.

Herbs and pastas - hard to resist!

The Piazza delle Erbe market is also filled with fruit, veggies and flowers, not just for tourists

Busy market Saturday.  La Berlina - a little capitello monument in the Piazza - and the Arco della Costa

This whale rib, in the Arco della Costa, between the Piazzas Erbe and Signori, has been hanging since at least the 1700s.  It's story and significance have been lost....

The Casa dei Mercanti, or Domus Mercatorum, dates to the Scaligeri times

Case Mazzanti with frescoes from the 1500's painted by Alberto Cavalli

An independent city under the Scaligeri, Verona eventually fell to Venice, as evidenced by the St. Mark's lion

Statues of six Roman gods top the Palazzo Maffei, Hercules, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Apollo and Minerva


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